So tonight was my last night at cadets ever and it was the strangest feeling. This has been a long coming but I never quite expected it to be like this, I wasn't too sad more excited for becoming an adult. We didn't do much just the usual which was nice and as I felt like I'd already said my goodbyes at my last camp.
Joining the cadets has been probably one of the best things that I've ever done: it has completely changed who I am as person, allowed me to do some really amazing things and meet some fantastic people. However now that I'm too old (18 going on 80 it's feels like) I really want to come back as an adult so that I can take everything that I've learned over the past few years and put it to good use, plus I want to be able to help young people realise the true potential that they have, just like my adults have done for. But for now think it'll be nice to just relax and not to stress about camp dates or polishing my boots.